Maison Albert Londres

  • Thematic house
Maison Albert Londres, 2 rue Besse, 03200 Vichy
Please note that the nearest station is more than
This neo-Gothic corner house with two turrets is the birthplace of Albert Londres, the famous journalist and writer considered to be the father of "grand reportage".
Built in the 1830s, this neo-Gothic-style building arouses curiosity with its two unusual turrets and brick walls. Albert Londres was born in this house on November 1, 1884.

A journalist and writer of international renown, Albert Londres is regarded as the father of "grand reportage". At the beginning of the 20th century, he inaugurated this new style of journalism based on observation and travel. Throughout his career, right up to his death in 1932, he traveled the globe to report on...


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Maison Albert Londres
Maison Albert Londres, 2 rue Besse, 03200 Vichy
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Maison Albert Londres
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  • French
Updated on 29 November 2024 at 16:23
by Vichy Destinations
(Offer identifier : 5528944)