Located in the Montagne Bourbonnaise at an altitude of 960 m at the gateway to the Bois Noirs forest, the Foyer du Montoncel offers a wide range of activities.
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In winter: 47 km of trails for cross-country skiing, snowshoeing (12 km) and tobogganing.
From the green (0.8 km), perfect for beginners, to the black (8.6 km) for the more experienced, the Foyer offers 6 marked, traced and groomed trails through undergrowth and clearings. There's also an 18 km Nordic itinerary on single-track for lovers of the alternative and the great outdoors. The same itinerary gives you access to Puy de Montoncel (1,287m) or Puy-Snidre (1,232m). A special area is...